
NATION : Homophobia Shuts College Dorm

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<i> From Times wire services</i>

Ohio State University has closed the third-floor wing of a campus dormitory and evicted 32 male students because of continued harassment of two homosexual students.

The decision to close the wing of Bradley Hall was made after a series of “homophobic gestures, acts of harassment and threats,” William Hall, director of OSU residence and dining halls, said.

“The environment on that wing of Bradley Hall had become unhealthy and unmanageable.”

He said the latest incident came Tuesday when the words “Die Fags” were left scrawled on a letter taped to the door of a room occupied by Mike Scarce, 20, a sophomore from New Paris, and Tom Fletcher, 19, a sophomore from Greenville.


Scarce and Fletcher were moved to off-campus living quarters for security reasons, Hall said.
