
Getting to Jewish Ghetto

How to find it: Facing the Venice train terminal (Ferrovia), turn right and walk straight ahead, ignoring the first bridge on your right. Cross the next bridge, after about 10 minutes, and look for the yellow sign in Hebrew at first floor level on the building at the end of it.

Follow the arrows another few hundred yards into the ghetto piazza. The museum, closed Saturdays, is at the far right hand corner.

Guided Tours: The only way to visit the synagogues is to begin at the museum on the half hour starting at 10:30 a.m. Cost isabout $5.75 and tours are conducted in Italian, English, Spanish and French, lasting for an hour.


For more information, contact the Italian Government Travel Office, 360 Post St., Suite 801, San Francisco 94108, (415) 392-6206. (Call between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m.)
