
Pros and Cons of ‘Dr. Grimes’ Bitter Pill’

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How appropriate to read, on World Earth Day, April 22, the articles “Dr. Grimes’ Bitter Pill,” and “A Woman’s Experience With the Abortion Pill.”

That reminds us of what a throw-away nation we have become, from throw-away bottles to throw-away babies. It occurs to me that only until there is not one more throw-away baby report in any of our nation’s police stations, can the anti-abortionists and founders of anti-abortion organizations such as you describe, claim abortionists to be baby killers. Family planning by whatever means is just that and if anti-abortionists wish to call Dr. David Alan Grimes a baby killer they themselves equally are killers of every baby that is a throw-away.

R. M. HAYNES, Los Angeles
