
Back-Yard Views

The word NIMBY was coined several years ago to stigmatize those people who openly opposed such developments as hazardous-waste treatment plants, loud rock ‘n’ roll concert amphitheaters or other undesirable projects in their neighborhoods.

This word was derived from the first letter of each word in the phrase Not in my back yard . I have noticed two characteristics of people who call other people NIMBYs. First, they never live near the area that will be adversely impacted by the proposed project. Second, they appear to be in a position to reap a financial gain if the proposed project is built.

I have coined a new word for these NIMBY bashers. I call them HAYBYs, which is derived from the phrase How about your back yard?

I have yet to find a HAYBY who is willing to accept a NIMBY-type project in his neighborhood.



