
Bob Hope’s Land Holdings

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Bob Hope and I have had a friendship going back to 1938 and I continue to be amazed at this aging fellow who is in many ways unique in our country.

As a successful theatrical figure, Bob has during several wars given himself in a manner that should command respect for his dedication to the military units overseas. This includes risking his life flying over enemy territory to reach ships and camp positions to improve the morale of our fighting men. No one asked Bob to do this. He has always volunteered these engagements because that is the true character of the man.

As a matter of fact, over the years, I have discussed this aspect of his volunteerism and I know that he cherishes all the engagements that he participated in.


What has saddened me is the recent display of letters (March 16) vilifying this patriot, largely because he has participated in successful real estate activities, but I have yet to hear or read anything about his charitable giving in real estate.

As a founder-trustee of the Eisenhower Medical Center here in Rancho Mirage, I had the privilege of discussing this proposed hospital facility with President Eisenhower in the 1960s. I should like to point out that the first gift made to this proposed medical facility was a gift of 80 valuable acres enthusiastically given by Bob Hope and his wife, and our medical center has now been built on these 80 acres. I could relate other significant contributions of this remarkably talented fellow, but the final thought that I would like to conclude with is the frequent discouragement philanthropists learn is that no good deed may go unpunished.


Rancho Mirage
