
Gridlock and Proposition 111

As one of apparently few still proudly professed knee-jerk liberals, I must voice strong objection to your editorial support of Prop. 111’s increase in gasoline taxes. Both God and The Times know we need higher taxes to rebuild the nation’s crumbling infrastructure, but to put a significant burden only on low- and middle-class citizens is regressive, inhumane and unconscionable.

It is becoming quite obvious that the conservative, Republican “read my lips” creed is leading us to the brink of disaster, and thus must be ever-so-slightly compromised. If more revenue must be collected, then do it in ways that least disturb the rich--impose regressive taxes wherever possible! Sales tax, use tax, gasoline tax, sin-tax increases, all regressive, all applying the same rate to rich and poor alike, have now become the present Administration’s “compromise.” Even the income tax, initially devised as truly progressive, has since the Reagan years become more and more regressive.

A truly fair and progressive system of income taxation should command the support of all who are concerned with the welfare of our country and all its people; I cannot help but view those who support the introduction of more regressive taxation to be in the same old, discredited party of “read-my-lips,” Republican Reaganites.



La Mesa
