
Hearing Is Tonight on New Mobil Pipeline

Aproposed Mobil Oil pipeline linking Kern County oil fields with the firm’s Torrance refinery will be the subject of a public hearing tonight at Santa Clarita City Hall, 23920 Valencia Blvd.

The hearing, scheduled for 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., concerns the federal environmental impact statement required for the 20-mile stretch of the pipeline that would cross Angeles National Forest. Under state law, an environmental impact report also is required for construction of the pipeline through the city of Los Angeles, according to the U.S. Forest Service and city Department of Transportation.

Tonight’s meeting is a “scoping” session to take advice from citizens on issues that should be addressed in the joint environmental impact statement/environmental impact report.


Officials said the EIS/EIR should be available in draft form by June, and in final form next fall.

Mobil proposed the $75-million project to replace its existing old and leaky pipeline, after separate oil spills in September, 1988, of 132,000 gallons and 126,000 gallons in Encino and Sherman Oaks. The new line would be larger than the existing line.
