
Taking Umbrage With ‘Good Manners’

I cannot find words, and you would not print them if I could, to describe the unkindness and insensitivity demonstrated in the Feb. 13 article, “Good Manners in the ‘90s,” subtitled “What’s a Polite Person to Do in the Age of Fax and AIDS?”

The answers to your question, “If you’re giving a dinner party and invite someone who has AIDS, should you tell your other guests?” given by Charlotte Ford, Sydney Biddle Barrows and Judith Martin demonstrated in varying degrees a lack of compassion, a lack of common sense and certainly a lack of good manners. People who are HIV positive or who have full-blown AIDS suffer enough without having to read this type of detritus.

Informed, intelligent people know AIDS is not an illness that can be contracted through sharing food and companionship at a dinner.


