
Judge Greer Honored for ‘Fast Track’ Plan

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Judge Michael I. Greer, soon to step down as presiding judge of the San Diego Superior Court, has been named the California Trial Lawyers Assn.’s “Superior Court Judge of the Year.”

Greer earned the award for his leadership over the past two years in implementing “fast track,” a plan to reduce court delays, Harvey R. Levine, a San Diego attorney and president of the 5,500-member lawyer group, said in a statement released Thursday.

The program, designed to push cases to trial relatively rapidly and to reduce the length of time a case actually is tried, was begun in San Diego in 1987, Greer’s first year as presiding judge. The average civil trial has since declined in length from 11 days to 4.6 days this year, said Marilyn Laurence, a Superior Court spokeswoman.


The fast-track plan moved to the state’s other larger counties in 1988.
