
Overflowing Sewers Pose Disease Threat

The most recent sewage spills in Laguna Beach, Newport Beach and other beach cities have greatly concerned me.

But, odd as it may seem in these days of wars, terrorism and threats of same, one of the greatest dangers that confront us today is the possibility of disease and death that lie in the overflowing sewers that are being dumped into our ocean.

The list of deadly diseases is an impressive one. Death and illness are frequently present when these diseases occur, such as: cholera, dysentery, typhoid fever, poliomyelitis and jaundice.


The solution is to place a moratorium on building. The existing holding filter beds and sewer lines are not adequate to accommodate the increased sewage. Also, build larger filter beds, holding tanks, sewer lines, adequate pumps, check valves and standby diesel generators in case of power failure.


Laguna Hills
