
A ‘Cause Celebre’ Over Wealthy Social Activists

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I am not familiar with Casey and Jean Kasem or what they do, but I found myself reading Nikki Finke’s article “Cause Celebre” (Sept. 25).

The only point seemed to be to vent anger toward rich, social activists. Do you hate all rich people or just rich people who are social activists? Do you hate all social activists or only those who are rich? Do you like rich, social activists but just hate the Kasems?

Finke seemed to find it absolutely amazing that a social activist could live in a penthouse, have gilt-edged china, have two expensive homes, and hang around with other rich people.


Most rich people have these things, you know. If you are rich and a social activist are you not supposed to have these things? Can only poor people be social activists? Can only men who are taller than their wives be social activists? Can only women who don’t make the worst-dressed list be social activists?

Apparently, being a limousine liberal or a penthouse progressive is the worst name you can think of to call someone. Finke makes fun of his “corny material,” his “polyurethane voice,” their 10-year marriage, their height difference. What does all that have to do with anything?


San Gabriel
