
A ‘Cause Celebre’ Over Wealthy Social Activists

I am so sick of this blatant hypocrisy so routinely exhibited by the Martin Sheens, the Valerie Harpers and, now, the Casey Kasems, concerning the homeless.

If those of their ilk were truly interested in solving the problem of helping the homeless, they would employ their considerable influence toward helping these people find jobs.

So now, from all corners of this nation, they are assembling this unfortunate sea of humanity to march on Washington.


Ronald Reagan, who is already responsible for everything from AIDS to low SAT scores will be excoriated and, of course, blamed for the plight of the homeless; Jesse Jackson will wax eloquent on this in his patented “Reaganomics” blather; Cher will sing; Mitch Snyder will babble; Dionne Warwick will sing, and the lives of these unfortunate people will not have been changed one iota by this absurd farce.


Simi Valley
