Driven to the Boob Tube
Re “Is the Sky Really Falling? Two USC Professors Claim Complexity of Life Drives Us to the Boob Tube” (by Kathleen Hendrix, Sept. 25): TV is certainly less addicting than crack. Like wine, food, shopping, work, gambling or sex, it can be enjoyable in moderation but lethal in excess.
But TV is not the culprit, any more than clothing manufacturers, ice cream makers or vineyards are. Addiction is the real , underlying problem in the United States today.
Some behavioral science experts believe that we as a nation are displaying many of the classic symptoms typical of an alcoholic or addict. Our productivity is suffering. We’re in debt. Our children are neglected. We don’t fulfill our responsibilities to our loved ones and communities. Our minds are dulled. Our health is deteriorating. Our lives are becoming unmanageable.
Until we learn to cope with reality “clean and sober,” we’ll fall further and further behind other, healthier nations in our ability to face up to tomorrow’s challenges and create the wholesome, productive, creative and enjoyable life style we all seek.