
Rep. Rohrabacher’s Stance on U.S. Funds for the Arts

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I agree with Rohrabacher that the now-infamous Andres Serrano crucifix and the photographs by Robert Mapplethorpe are offensive, disgusting and obscene. I also agree with Rohrabacher that the whole sorry episode has convinced me the NEA has proven to be a less-than-perfect federal agency.

Of the more than 84,000 grants to individual artists awarded by the NEA, at least two dozen have precipitated controversy. Imagine that, 24 controversial grants out of 84,000! Any organization with a track record like that, public or private, deserves a commendation, not criticism!

Rohrabacher favors censoring NEA projects. Rohrabacher is wrong. He surely is more dangerous than the problem he perceives. Rohrabacher’s approach is cynical, mean-spirited, shortsighted and thoughtless. He would endanger our First Amendment freedoms to pursue his own radical Libertarian agenda. I suggest that Rohrabacher re-examine his priorities and focus on some of the real obscenities facing our nation today, such as:


* The obscene national debt.

* The obscenity of the savings and loan disaster.

* The obscenity of 37 million people in the richest nation having no health insurance.

* The obscenity of 2 million to 3 million homeless Americans within our own borders.

The voters of the 42nd Congressional District include many citizens who are patrons of the arts. As individuals, they are very sensitive to threats to our First Amendment freedoms. Our Constitution is our shield against overbearing government and those who would use the passions of the moment to damage that which has withstood the test of time.


Huntington Beach
