
Casting Jewish Actors as Jewish Characters

I am a Jewish writer who is employed by one of the shows mentioned in the Willens article.

Assimilation is, in some ways, a fine goal. But the characters we see on television are not only assimilated; the most visible of them seem to all be married to or involved romantically with Gentiles. My guess is that, to the creators of these characters, assimilation is a code word for intermarriage.

The creative people in the entertainment industry must come to grips with the reality that the Jewish tradition and culture we love will not, in the long run, survive intermarriage.

By portraying Jewish characters as intermarried we are providing role models for viewers to do the same.


Intermarriage is, of course, a reality in our society. As such it should be portrayed on television. I wish, however, that it was not portrayed to the exclusion of Jew marrying Jew and raising their children in a Jewish home.


Los Angeles
