
Cry for Argentina

Meryl Streep is out of “Evita” and Oliver Stone’s adaptation of Andrew Lloyd Weber’s musical has been indefinitely postponed. Stone was preparing to direct Streep in the title role in Spain early next year, but a source tells us that financial setbacks have placed the Weintraub Entertainment project in turnaround.

The scenario, according to our source: Several weeks ago, reps for Streep requested a pay-or-play contract. Meanwhile, with Weintraub’s well-publicized cash flow problems, efforts were under way to reduce the picture’s $35-million budget. When the company asked for an extension on Streep’s deadline, her agents withdrew her from the film, pending a firm offer.

Calls to Jerry Weintraub’s office had not been returned at press time.

Stone, we’re told, is now immersed in pre-production on the Jim Morrison (of the Doors) biopic for Imagine Entertainment and Carolco Pictures. Variously called “Riders on the Storm” and “No One Gets Out Alive,” the project is now untitled and has an early 1990 start planned.


Stone has discussed the lead role with Tom Cruise, according to our source, but casting’s not set.
