
With Traveler IV on the Injured List, USC Is Changing Horses in Midseason

The USC Trojans, facing Ohio State today at the Coliseum, have lost a key performer to injury.

Traveler IV is out.

The white horse, a familiar figure galloping around the Coliseum track after a Trojan score, wound up with scratches and scrapes on his hind legs Thursday after breaking loose during a campus rally.

Spooked by the USC band, Traveler IV, standing on the back steps of Heritage Hall, unseated rider Rick Oas and took off across campus.


Oas, who was unhurt, finally caught up with the frightened animal and reined him in.

Traveler IV will be examined by the “team” vet, according to Tim Tessalone, sports information director.

And just who is the team vet?

“You know,” said an obviously embarrassed Tessalone, “I don’t even know.”

The Trojans, understandably nervous about switching horses in midstream, will, nevertheless, saddle up Traveler V for today’s game.
