
Moral Decay

America’s leadership role in the world has been lost because of moral decay from within. Many of us can remember when our nation’s top officials were shining symbols of what every red-blooded American wanted to emulate. These leaders radiated honesty, integrity and moral strength which in turn provided hope, strength and compassion to the people.

Today, no day goes by without the discovery of more fraud, more deceit and more scum in high places. Most are clever lawyer-politicians who know how to steal from the public--legally. When caught doing illegal acts, they may even have to perform the same kind of public service the rest of us volunteer freely.

When America decides to elect decent citizens to public office again instead of slick, professional politicians, most of our economic and crime problems will disappear. America can once again become a caring nation with a large heart for the less fortunate. But, a fresh start can only happen when people repent and make a commitment to really start caring for others once again.



Paso Robles
