
Fairfax : Meeting With Developers

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Developers of four parcels of land next to the Park Labrea apartment complex will answer questions from the public today at the Park Labrea community room, 340 S. Hauser Blvd., from 4 to 8 p.m.

Plans for the area, which have yet to win the approval of city authorities, include two five-story apartment complexes, a senior housing facility and a shopping center at the site now occupied by the May Co. store at the corner of Fairfax Avenue and Wilshire Boulevard.

The shopping center would include a 500-room hotel and almost 1 million square feet of office space.


The meeting will offer an opportunity for residents to go on the record with their comments about the project, which is located in City Councilman John Ferraro’s district.

Ferraro has not expressed an opinion about the project, which would require a General Plan amendment, approval of a zone change, issuance of a conditional-use map and other administrative action.
