
‘Eat for Art’ Benefit Scheduled at Carrousel on Santa Monica Pier

The third annual “Eat for Art” benefit dinner featuring Westside chefs, artists and art lovers will be Oct. 2 at the carrousel on Santa Monica Pier. The event will begin with cocktails at 6:30 p.m. followed by a buffet dinner at 7. Tickets are $100 per person.

According to Michael McCarty, Santa Monica Arts Foundation chairman and restaurateur: “We have raised substantial funds for public art during our last three ‘Eat for Art’ benefits. Some of the works already installed include monumental sculptures for Santa Monica’s new Third Street Promenade and site-specific work for the new Santa Monica Airport Administration Building.

“Funds this year are earmarked for the forthcoming environmental sculptures at Natural Elements Sculpture Park, the world’s first beach sculpture garden. We encourage everyone to attend and help see this important art project through completion.”


The benefit will again be produced this year by McCarty, and co-chairperson Elaine Hoffman and Sheila Goldberg, chairperson of the Venice Art Walk. The benefit will showcase edible masterworks by Westside’s culinary artists.

Participating restaurants include: Angeli, Camelions, DC-3, Gilliland’s, Heritage Restaurant, Knoll’s Black Forest Inn, Michael’s, Ocean Avenue Seafood, Opera, Rebecca’s, 72 Market Street and West Beach Cafe.
