
Bravo for Judge

Bravo to L.A. Judge Tashima for holding Operation Rescue terrorists in contempt of court, and for fining them $111,000 for illegally blockading clinics (“Abortion Protesters Fined, Held in Contempt by Judge,” Aug. 30).

He has sent a clear message to those who would disregard laws, special injunctions, and the rights of others and then expect special treatment. San Diego judges should continue to act in a similar manner against local blockaders.

The San Diego woman who testified about her April 29 experience of having a miscarriage sat in my car for over an hour while anti-choice Operation Rescue demonstrators blocked her access to her doctor. She wasn’t having an abortion--she was bleeding and fighting for her life.


Herein lies the hypocrisy of the anti-choice movement’s tactics of blockading clinics. They threaten the lives of patients not going to have abortions, as well as those women who have made a decision to legally end their pregnancies.

In America, no group has the right to harass and terrify innocent people engaged in legal activities. If these anti-abortion zealots want to live in a religious dictatorship, they should leave the U. S. immediately.


San Diego
