
Woman Hides, Calls 911 as 2 Raid House

A young woman spent several terrifying minutes cowering under a bed and whispering to a 911 emergency dispatcher as two burglars prowled through her home until deputies arrived to arrest the intruders, authorities said Friday.

Wendy Carlile, 18, was not hurt in the ordeal Thursday in her home on Merced Avenue in South El Monte, Deputy Dean Scoville said.

Carlile telephoned 911 about 11:30 a.m. to report that two men who had knocked on her front door were breaking into the rear of the house. Scoville said the woman was hysterical.


When the intruders got inside, the woman fled to a bedroom and hid under a bed. Deputy Ray Webb, the 911 emergency dispatcher, attempted to calm her and told her to answer his questions in a whisper and only when it was safe, Scoville said.

At one point, the intruders, who had stockpiled valuables before carrying them out and were apparently not aware that the woman was home, stood alongside both sides of the bed as the woman cowered on the floor, Scoville said.

Webb sent deputies to the home and they arrived within five minutes of the call, Scoville said. As three deputies knocked on the front door, Sgt. Carl Deeley went to the back of the house and saw a man running through the house to the back door.


Deeley drew his gun and ordered the man to freeze, but he fled back inside the house.

Deputies entered the house and after checking to make sure the woman was unharmed searched for the intruders. She was still under the bed when they entered.

Alfonso Aguilar, 18, and Antonio Lopez, 22, both of South El Monte, were booked on suspicion of burglary, Scoville said.
