
Signal Hill : Conflict-of-Interest Waiver Clears Senate, Faces Delay

A bill sought by the city of Signal Hill to exempt a public official’s principal residence from conflict-of-interest regulations was approved last Friday by the Senate on a 37-0 vote and sent to the Assembly.

But an aide to Sen. Robert Beverly (R-Manhattan Beach), who is carrying the measure, said action on the proposal will probably be delayed until next year in an attempt to iron out differences with the state Fair Political Practices Commission.

The political watchdog agency has complained that the legislation would weaken conflict-of-interest provisions, which require local officials to automatically disqualify themselves from voting on any development within 300 feet of real estate they own, including their homes, because of a potential conflict of interest.


Three of Signal Hill’s five City Council members and two of its Planning Commission members live near two proposed developments, which would add 1,300 residential units to the city.
