
Santa Monica : Davis Backs Hayes’ Protest

Susan Packer Davis, chairwoman of the city’s Rent Control Board, this week endorsed homeless activist Ted Hayes’ efforts to provide temporary housing for the homeless.

“I think it’s incumbent on elected officials to support people like Ted,” Davis told a press conference on the City Hall lawn.

“I think he’s really an incredible American hero, somebody who’s willing to put his life on the line for the homeless,” said Davis, who has announced plans to run next year for the 44th District Assembly seat if Assemblyman Tom Hayden (D-Santa Monica) does not seek reelection.


As of the press conference Monday, Hayes was in the 42nd day of a fast protesting what he termed inaction by Los Angeles city and county in providing shelter for the homeless. Hayes said he planned to meet with Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley Friday to discuss securing city land for a complex of geodesic domes that could be manufactured and inhabited by the homeless at relatively little cost.
