
Dog Finds a Home

I wish to publicly express my sincere thanks to the editors of the Los Angeles Times for printing my letter (“To ‘Loving Owner’ ” May 21) regarding the abandoned chow-like dog on Otay Lakes Road.

I have been able to learn that the dog is well and has found a loving owner. I want to share the story with you.

I received a call from Kevin, who lives less than a mile from me--he had successfully enticed “Red” into his car. This was accomplished with pizza and tender words of encouragement and patience. How wonderful! I immediately placed a sign (“I found a happy home. Thanks for your loving care. Red Chow Dog”) next to the tin container along the roadway for the people who were still delivering food to the dog. Even though the dog had not been seen for several days, the food was faithfully delivered--just in case.


Not long afterward, I received a call from Kathy, the “young lady in the white camper.” She had seen the article in the paper, made copies of it and had collected money for food. Finding that the dog had a home, she now wanted to deliver it to the new owner.

“Red” is now in Chula Vista with a loving family, children and a big, safe yard. Kathy delivered food, was greeted warmly by her dog friend, and took pictures.

To all of those who took part in this story, thank you on behalf of the red, chow-like dog.



