
Vietnamese Girl’s Essay on Contrasts

I am writing in response to the essay written by 11-year-old Tuyet Tran (June 11). I thank The Times for publishing her letter unedited, allowing her message to come to the readers directly from the heart.

Tuyet’s poignantly composed essay contrasting the horrors of Communistic Vietnam and the beauty of America and its people touched me deeply. It does sadden me, however, to think about the many “beautiful people” Tuyet refers to who do not always welcome her with open arms and minds.

As a teacher, I see on a daily basis the insights children have about ideas such as freedom, tyranny, and simple acceptance of others. I am also convinced it is the children who can make a difference and change the world for the better.

Hopefully, Tuyet’s simple, moving essay was able to remind we Americans how fortunate we are to live in a democracy blessed with freedom, void of tyranny and rich in cultural diversity.


I send my heartfelt respect to Tuyet, her family and teachers who have obviously had a positive impact on her life.


