
Hitting a Homer

As a psychologist who specializes in counseling men, I feel the movie “Field of Dreams” is valuable: It answers questions I encounter hourly in my work, and I have been recommending it to both men and women.

Men ask if they can do something in life that means something. The answer is yes; it involves change, it involves risk, it involves continuing to believe, even when others don’t agree.

Second, men ask if they can find a good marital partner. This is especially true for a single or divorced man. Amy Madigan (who portrays Kevin Costner’s wife in the movie) shows it’s still possible for a man and woman to be passionate and to dream together! The men I work with want committed relationships.


Third, men ask about--even yearn for--the chance to communicate with their fathers. Most men wish they could tell him: “Now I understand--you really did love me.”

Kevin Costner plays Everyman--at various levels--and manages to tell men that it’s not too late to dream, to love, and to communicate, with feelings--even if it’s just a game of catch, back and forth, with someone you love.

The movie is not about baseball. But sports is a way for men to communicate--with passion.

Men, you gotta believe--there are more homers left for you to hit! Go for it!


Director, MenCenter

Washington, D.C.
