
THE SIDELINES : Beer Causes Row on Rowing Team

<i> From Times wire service</i> s

Chancellor Donna Shalala says it was inexcusable and unacceptable for the University of Wisconsin-Madison women’s crew to grab beers after a championship rowing race.

“We have to be concerned about the image our athletes project,” she said.

An alcohol-abuse critic said the crew members behaved as though they were in a beer commercial after placing second in the national collegiate championships Sunday in Madison. Axel Anderson said the team members, most of whom are under the legal drinking age, all grabbed cold bottles of beer while they were receiving their medals. The championships were co-sponsored by a Madison beer wholesale distributor.

Women’s crew Coach Sue Ela said Thursday that the incident was out of character for her team. She said the beer appeared “out of the blue” and was not a team tradition.
