
We Must Save Our Public Beaches

The beaches of Southern California are unique. They are truly some of the great beaches of the world. Anything that would destroy these beaches would be a disaster to all our citizens. The beaches are a public asset that must be operated and administered as a public trust, in the public interest.

Recently the city of Santa Monica approved plans for the development of a luxury hotel on state-owned park property, explaining the land was being “under-utilized” and that they were not receiving sufficient rent (Incredibly, this is the city where many landlords are being paid a fraction of what they would receive in a free market). Santa Monica has already approved two other beach hotels--now under construction.

If we allow this development on state park property, it will not be too long before other developments begin and our coast will resemble Miami Beach. Let the state operate the state-owned land with the goal to maximize public use and access without commercial development. Our beaches are unique and beautiful. Let’s preserve them for future generations. The city of Santa Monica has shown it is not worthy of controlling this public trust land.



Marina del Rey
