
City to Ask Halt in INS Raids for Census

The Los Angeles City Council has voted to ask the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service to refrain from making any sweeps of illegal aliens around the time of the planned 1990 census.

The request came as part of a motion passed Wednesday that appropriated $500,000 for a program designed to encourage illegal aliens to cooperate with the census.

City Councilman Richard Alatorre said the city loses tens of millions of dollars in federal aid annually because the census’ count of the city’s immigrants is low.


Councilwoman Gloria Molina, who authored the amendment seeking a moratorium on INS sweeps, said, a similar measure requested by the Census Bureau in 1980 was “unevenly enforced.”

The motion calls on the INS to refrain from any sweeps in Los Angeles from March 1, 1990, through June 30, 1990, so immigrants will not fear cooperating with census personnel.
