
Refinish Worn Wooden Floor With Artwork

Refinish a worn wooden floor with an artful paint job.

With as steady hand, masking tape, stencils and patience, Traditional Home magazine says ambitious homeowners can create checks, stripes or hearts. Mask off squares or strips, or use ready-made stencils for hearts and other simple shapes.

With a bit more skill and practice, design and cut original stencils. Intricate patterns, however, are best left to the pros.

Here are the four basic steps to a well-dressed floor:

-- Prepare the floor: Remove any old wax with wax remover and sand the floor.

-- Paint the base coats: Use two or three coats of oil-based paint in the preferred color and finish.


-- Create designs: Practice on scrap wood before attempting the real thing. Brush paint between marked lines, or dab paint through stencils.

-- Protect handiwork: Wait for 24 hours, then protect the design with at least three coats of low-luster or shiny polyurethane varnish.
