
Adding Insult to Injury

Although Mack cannot vote, he certainly influences the bills Congress creates and does or does not pass. That legislators accept Mack as having made a “mistake” while “under stress” and let it go at that is more than reprehensible.

This tells all women that they are perceived by our legislators as less than expendable.

As a woman, I do not confuse the “laws of man” with Justice. Originally, the Goddess of Justice was not blind. She had a third eye that saw into the hearts of men. This she weighed on her scales against her feather of Justice--which is probably why a system made by and for the convenience and sensibilities of men blindfolded her. They want Justice to believe only what she is told. They don’t want Her to examine their motives too closely.

For 16 years, laws affecting the lives of all women of this country have been “influenced” by a man who when “under stress” is capable of incredible violence against women. He “blew his cool for a second” and even a year after the attack, Mack said that he had reacted in a way that any man would under pressure. He just may be right. Our legislators seem to agree.



Thousand Oaks
