
KGB Will Inform Public of Its Work, Security Chief Says

From Reuters

The KGB said Friday it was lifting a traditional veil of secrecy over security police work in the Soviet Union.

The organization’s chief announced that it would keep the Soviet public informed about its operations--for decades a favorite subject of Western cloak-and-dagger espionage thrillers.

Kremlin leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev’s policy of glasnost (openness) has been extended to the KGB, its chief Vladimir A. Kryuchkov said in a press interview.


“We have adopted a very important resolution--the State Security Committee (KGB) and glasnost ,” he said in comments front-paged by the government newspaper Izvestia.

From now on, he said, the KGB will report to the public about its “major and important operations. The activities of our services will no longer be as secretive as they were until recently,” the KGB chief said.

The announcement gave no details of how often the public would be informed.
