
‘Now That Red Is Dead’

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Powers is either blind, ignorant, or making a joke. Or, hopefully, he’s a wishful thinker?

“It is over. The left is dead,” claims Powers. Oh, really? I must have missed something. The Times must have forgotten to print the news that all religious and political prisoners have been released. The asylums in Russia having released all their “insane” religious objectors somehow escaped the world’s press. The people of Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, North Vietnam, et al are such fools as to have missed this wonderful news.

Using such statements as “the left was skilled at capturing the moral high ground . . . as the party of peace . . . inspired lofty ideals,” I believe Mr. Powers identifies his leanings.

But it is insulting to us conservative Americans to think for one minute that we would swallow such dishonest drivel. Even our liberal fellows must smile at Mr. Powers’ naivete.



