
Nation : Gingrich Group Took $100,000 Loss

<i> From Times wire services</i>

The partnership created in 1984 to promote a book co-authored by House Republican Whip Newt Gingrich reported a loss of more than $100,000 during its first five years, according to partnership tax returns released today by Gingrich.

The COS Limited Partnership was formed by 21 individuals or corporations that each put up $5,000 to pay for a promotional campaign for “Window of Opportunity,” written by the Georgia congressman, his wife, Marianne, and David Drake. One person, Janet Morris, received a $5,000 share of the partnership for editorial work.

The partnership is the subject of a formal complaint filed with the House Ethics Committee by Rep. Bill Alexander (D-Ark.), accusing Gingrich of 10 violations of House rules. The committee has not indicated whether it will launch a preliminary investigation of Alexander’s complaint. Gingrich initiated the investigation that resulted in the filing of 69 ethics charges against House Speaker Jim Wright last week.
