
The Dow Jones Industrial Average reached a...

The Dow Jones Industrial Average reached a post-crash high last week, confirming new highs recorded previously by the transportation average and the NASDAQ composite, according to Irving Katz, director of research for Thomas Green/San Diego Securities.

“Ten of the 68 San Diego stocks we chart joined in the celebration and made new highs,” Katz said Monday.

Those new highs were by Humphrey, at $6, up from $3.25 at year’s-end; Christiana Cos., at $10.625, up from $6.35; Home Fed Corp., at $39, up from $24.875; BSD Bancorp, at $6.375, up from $3.875; Southwest Bancorp, $6.125, up from $3.875; Beeba’s Creations, $10.75, up from $7.375; DH Technology, $9.625, up from $5.625; Medical Imaging Centers, $8.75, up from $5.25; Psicor, $10.75, up from $8.75, and Oak Industries, $1.375, up from $1.


Four of those gains were the result of last week’s announcement of excellent first-quarter earnings, Katz said. Humphrey reported earnings of $.21 versus a $.02 loss a year earlier. BSD Bancorp reported earnings of $.21 versus $.14 the year before. Home Fed reported $1.31 versus $1.07, DH Technology had earnings of $.25 versus $.04, and Southwest Bancorp reported $.08 versus a 10-cent loss. Most of Southwest’s movement, however, was driven by its proposed merger with Security Pacific at $6 a share.

Oak Industries’ move was evidently related to the anticipated proxy fight to unseat five of the eight board members at its June 6 annual meeting.

The largest percentage drop of the week was registered by Cousin’s Home Furnishings, whose stock finally reflected continuing annual losses, as the stock dropped $.625 to close at $.875.


Yuba Natural Resources continues to remain unchanged despite former chairman Richard Silberman’s legal difficulties.

San Diego Gas & Electric rose $.625, to $37.875, as its proposed merger with Southern California Edison was approved by both companies’ shareholders.
