
Too Much to Stomach

I must protest your choice of material in the View section April 12 and 13. First, we were treated to a photo of hangmen’s nooses and an article that started out in a deceptively reasonable tone but went on to a gruesome level of detail about what happens in a hanging (“Mystery Hangman Sets Off a Washington Controversy” by Ann Japenga).

Then, the next day, the first page of the View section features some truly stomach-churning photos of disgusting dolls (“Foul Play” by Beverly Beyette).

One reason I buy a morning paper is to have something pleasant to read over breakfast. Leaving the first section and editorials until the evening, I reach first for View to read the comics, Dear Abby and Ann Landers and some amusing or enlightening stories on health and human interest.


Nauseating dolls and the biomechanics of hanging are not what I consider suitable material for the breakfast table, nor for much of any purpose to be truthful. Please exercise some judgment. If we want to be subjected to sordid or depressing material, there is no dearth of sources.


San Diego
