
Rep. Dannemeyer’s Views on Homosexuality Gain Support

I am appalled with the response to Congressman William Dannemeyer’s Feb. 5 letter, which you printed Feb. 12. First of all, you did not print any responses that agreed with Dannemeyer, and I am sure there were some.

I completely agree with the statements made by Dannemeyer. As a matter of fact, I believe that this country is being destroyed from within by the liberal, humanistic views. The United States, as a whole, has turned its back on the Almighty God and, as evangelist Billy Graham has said, “If God doesn’t judge the United States, He (God) owes an apology to Sodom and Gomorrah.” We are all in trouble unless we change our ways and begin to follow the moral laws that God has given us. We do have a choice; we can follow God’s laws or suffer the consequences. Those consequences are things such as herpes, gonorrhea, syphilis and AIDS, to name a few.

These people do have a choice. They are not born as homosexuals. Homosexuality is not natural. I hope, for their sake, they change their ways.




These two letters, received this week, are the only ones in support of Dannemeyer. Six more letters criticizing Dannemeyer were not printed.
