Keeping the Green in an Orange County
Green! Green! Green! Boy, do I love Southern California when it’s green!
I looked up at our downtown hills and they’re green! Driving out Laguna Canyon Road: Green! Village parks and lush neighborhood gardens: All green! The recent rains may cause havoc on our highways, but the riot of green they add to open space is a remarkable, beautiful sight.
I more fully appreciate the word greenbelt, and I’m delighted to read that Laguna Greenbelt Inc. is the recipient of the 1989 David Gaines Award for “sustained and effective action in defense of the environment,” awarded by California’s oldest environmental lobbying group, the Planning and Conservation League.
As the Laguna Greenbelt celebrates its 20th anniversary, the award is an honor well-deserved. Congratulations to them and good luck in the continued fight to keep Orange County green!
Laguna Beach