
The State : Boy Uses Drug Cash for Spree

A 14-year-old Berkeley boy took $120,000 in drug money and treated himself and friends to a three-day spending spree that ended with a trip to Hawaii, authorities said. The three teen-agers’ life of leisure ended when Kauai police, alerted to their flight, picked them up on a beach Jan. 10 and recovered $111,000, police and school officials said. According to Oakland Municipal Court records, one of the boys said he found the money and two bags of what he said was cocaine in a false-bottom drawer at a relative’s home. The 14-year-old left the drugs but took the money, he told police. The teen-ager and some schoolmates rented a limousine to go to San Francisco, where they persuaded the driver to rent a room at the Mark Hopkins Hotel, the Oakland Tribune reported. After their San Francisco fling, some of the students returned home, and several recounted their adventure to school officials.
