
Army Gives McDonnell Douglas Contract for More Copter Sights

The Army has awarded a Huntington Beach unit of McDonnell Douglas Corp. a $65-million contract to continue production of a periscope-like sight for helicopters.

Under the contract, McDonnell Douglas Electronic Systems Co. will build 36 more sights for the Army’s Scout helicopter. McDonnell Douglas has already produced 174 of the sights since receiving the original award in 1984.

Similar to a submarine periscope, the sights are mounted atop a helicopter and enable the crew to peer over a hillside and view a battlefield while still shielded from enemy fire.


The program is administered in Huntington Beach, while manufacturing is done at a McDonnell Douglas plant in Monrovia. About 835 people work on the program in Monrovia, according to company spokesman Tom Williams.

The contract won’t require additional hiring, Williams said.
