
Columnist’s Viewpoint Is Way Off the Mark

Has anyone asked what happens when these unprepared kids get into the classroom? I have sat in class with them. Most are so intimidated that they dissolve into the floor. Soon it’s as if they weren’t even there.

But something worse happens when the unprepared student tries to learn. Caught between his lack of preparation and the demands of his sport, he can’t keep up with the class. The harder he tries, the more questions he asks, and the whole class bogs down. When that happens, it is not fair to the students who have paid and worked to earn the right to be in that class.

Proposal 42 may be unfair, but it is necessary. I am not suggesting that those students who are affected by Proposal 42 be sacrificed. However, I believe the answer lies in preparing them before they get to college.


What really bothers me about the reaction to the proposal is that its critics are implying that these kids are too stupid to meet the requirements. I refuse to believe that.


San Pedro
