
Local News in Brief : Gang-Prevention Unit Approved

Creation of a youth-at-risk advocacy unit was approved Wednesday by the Los Angeles City Council to improve coordination among numerous private organizations trying to keep young people out of street gangs.

Proposed by Eastside Councilman Richard Alatorre, the new unit will be funded this year with $2.1 million set aside by the council last spring for new gang prevention. Staffing will cost between $200,000 and $500,000, with the remainder to be spent as a one-time grant for new programs.

By 1991, the unit will be responsible for reviewing proposed city expenditures affecting at-risk children.


When he made the proposal last year, Alatorre said the city cannot begin to curb its gang problem as long as the many local programs serving inner-city youths work in isolation, often duplicating efforts.

The new unit will be part of the city’s Community Development Department.
