
Local News in Brief : Bingo Game Backers Retract Application

Officials of a Palm Springs-based guide-dog training center, recently spurned by Hawaiian Gardens in their effort to start a large-scale bingo operation, have run into a similar snag in Cudahy.

Guide Dogs of the Desert Inc. has withdrawn a Dec. 30 application to open an 800-seat, seven-day-a-week bingo game in a city-owned industrial building that houses the financially strapped Cudahy Social Service Agency, according to city records.

Guide Dogs’ plan to open the bingo parlor in Cudahy was put on hold after City Manager Gerald Caton told officials that the large industrial building is not equipped to house the proposed operation and does not have sufficient parking.


Guide Dogs officials informed Caton that they would look for another location within the city. “We’re in limbo,” Guide Dogs Executive Director Christopher Corr said.
