
The Bookshelf

Reviews in this column do not imply endorsement by The Times of the books.

Real Estate Books & Periodicals in Print by John Robert Johnsich (Real Estate Publishing Co., P.O. Box 41177, Sacramento, Calif. 95841, $29.95) purports to list all publications alphabetically by title, subject and topic covered and includes author, year published, number of pages, price, address and telephone number of publisher and international standard book number.

Trade Secrets: Tips & Hints from the Pros by Gene Schnaser (Rodale Press, 288 pages, photos and drawings, $19.95 hardcover, $14.95 paperback) is like looking over the shoulder of an experienced carpenter, plumber, painter or other tradesperson. Schnaser, former editor of The Family Handyman magazine, writes entertainingly on such items as the Norwegian Level (a shallow pan filled with water), the Case of the Truncated Hammer Handle (to teach an apprentice an important lesson on swinging a hammer properly) and hundreds of other topics. Even someone who has worked in these fields for many years can learn from this book; the novice can benefit even more. Highly recommended!
