
If This Holiday Gift List Is Filled, It Will Be Quite a Year Here

‘Tis the season to be jolly, and take a look at what Santa has slipped . . . or should have slipped . . . into a few Christmas stockings in the neighborhood.

Alex Spanos--Al Saunders’ hair stylist.

Steve Ortmayer--Al Saunders’ tailor.

Al Saunders--A boss like Joan Kroc.

Joan Kroc--A club president like Dick Freeman.

Leslie O’Neal--Pro Bowl strength in his recovering knee.

Dave Campbell--A job.

Jerry Coleman--A partner who will eat chocolate sundaes with him.

Al Luginbill--The kind of success with Denny Stolz’s players that Stolz had with Doug Scovil’s.

Tommy Booker--A chance to do at San Diego State what he did at Vista High School.

Bruce Hurst--A roommate like Dale Murphy.

Ron Lynn--A head coaching job or a healthy Billy Ray Smith or, better yet, both.

Gill Byrd--Recognition.

Chip Banks--Common sense.

General Manager Jack McKeon--A boss like Dick Freeman.

Manager Jack McKeon--A boss like Jack McKeon.

Jim Brandenburg--A capacity crowd for Thursday’s visit by North Carolina.

Holiday Bowl fans--Another Magic Johnson-style magic finish.

Padre fans--Another reason to dance in the streets, the way they did in 1984.

Ron Newman--Another championship ring. So what if he is running out of fingers?

Holiday Bowl--A Cowboy win.

Barry Sanders--Somewhere to hide from the Heisman hype, as if Stillwater, Okla., was not remote enough.


Gary (The Original Flipper) Anderson--One more Retton-esque forward flip for the highlight flicks.

Tony Gwynn--A finger as healthy as Chub Feeney’s.

Charles S. (Scrubbed Chub) Feeney--Mittens.

Lee (Helmet Head) Hamilton--One night of doing his talk show with nothing but facts . . . meaning no outlandish rumors to help get those telephones ringing.

Napoleon McCallum--A 10-year shore leave.

Lee Williams--A trophy case for all the quarterbacks he has bagged.

Hank Egan--152 points against Loyola-Marymount . . . and enough defense to win the game.

Jack Clark--A picture of George Steinbrenner to use as a target in the left-field seats.

Andy Hawkins--Tolerance.

Jimmy Jones--Tolerance.

Stanley Jefferson--Tolerance.

Lance McCullers--Tolerance.

Dan McGwire--A touchdown pass for each of his brother’s home runs.

Gary Plummer--A helper.

Michael Fay--A crying towel.

Dennis Conner--”Emily Post’s Etiquette.”

Dan Fouts--A chance to broadcast golf, now that he has gotten his handicap down to about 3.


Don Macek--A successful comeback or comfortable retirement, whichever he wants.

Eric Show--A shutout in the first game of the National League Championship Series.

USD--An on-campus arena.

Vince Ciruzzi--A National Basketball Assn. team in the Sports Arena, a gift he would be delighted to share with fans hereabouts.

Hall of Champions--A separate wing for Tony Gwynn.

Steve Zungul--A few more months of the old magic.

Branko Segota--Open 10-foot shots from the left side.

Benito Santiago--His rookie bat.
