
Finding Charity for Impoverished Elderly Nuns

Kathleen Hendrix’s beautiful article shows great compassion but is misleading:

Even if retired sisters do not draw Social Security, they receive SSI benefits of $595 a month, paid jointly by the state and the federal government. The amount will be increased by the end of the year.

Millions of California seniors are in the same boat, and they must get along--either in their apartments, in board-and-care places or retirement homes.

Most for-profit senior places must exist on $595 (a month), less $50 pocket money for the senior. The Corondolet Home should do better, since this organization does not have to pay property taxes or rent.


Fifty dollars a month pocket money for personal expenses does not go very far. The sisters and all other seniors deserve more so that their declining years are a little more comfortable. Your article will probably result in a great number of charitable contributions. I wish you could channel these directly to the retired sisters.

WERNER ILLING, president

Council on Aging

City of Los Angeles
