
Local News in Brief : Taft Again Wins Academic Decathlon

Taft High School won the Los Angeles Unified School District’s academic decathlon for the second year in a row, officials announced Tuesday.

The Woodland Hills school defeated 52 other district high schools that participated in the all-day, 10-event academic competition held Nov. 19.

Taft scored 4,712.5 points. El Camino Real High School, also in Woodland Hills, came in second with 4,617.2 points, while University High, in West Los Angeles, took third place with 4,561.9 points.


Members of the Taft team were Shawn Canter, Rodney Crump, Lisa Demsky, Andrew Goodman, Michael Pocrass, Roy Rapoport, Andrew Rosenthal, Marc Sarti and Deborah Sim. English teacher Arthur Berchin was the coach.

Taft will represent the district in the statewide academic decathlon March 9-11 in Bakersfield.
