
No Sympathy for Car Thieves

Well, the ACLU has struck again! They’re criticizing the police force and their Operation Slide Hammer.

I wish the police had their program in progress when my 1986 Mazda was stolen from my carport recently. Fortunately, due to the police computer system in force, they found my car, determined that it was stolen and arrested the thief.

The shock of finding my car gone and broken glass on the floor just about did me in. A car that I babied, never took to the car wash, always washed and waxed by hand, always parked away from other cars so it wouldn’t get dinged, worked hard to pay for.


Oh, there is a “profile” of a car thief and the police are right in the routine they’re using. My car was not “stripped” but was damaged, let alone the filth left by someone that had invaded my privacy. Not only am I out $200 for car rental, over and above what my insurance company pays, but another few hundred dollars to have an alarm system installed in my car so I can sleep at night!

But I stress, I have no sympathy for car thieves, and if the police have a system to catch as many of them as possible, I say “go for it.” I’m behind them 100%. I’m sick and tired of the ACLU worrying about the “right of each of us to be treated as an individual” when it comes to crime. You commit a crime of any kind, and you deserve to suffer for it.


North Hollywood
