
Democrats Led in Support for Housing Legislation : Advocacy Organization Rates Assembly, Senate Members on Vote Record During 1987-88 Session

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Democrats supported affordable housing far more than did Republicans during the 1987-88 session, according to a review of voting on 19 bills considered by the California Legislature.

The legislative score card was prepared by Affordable Housing Advocates, a Sacramento-based, statewide organization of advocates of affordable housing and the homeless.

In the Assembly, 21 members, all Democrats, voted for affordable housing 100% of the time.

From Southern California, they included Pete Chacon, San Diego; Dave Elder, Long Beach, and Sam Farr, Teresa Hughes, Burt Margolin, Gwen Moore, Richard Polanco and Maxine Waters, Los Angeles.


Of the 27 members voting for housing less than 25% of the time, all are Republicans. Ten of the 27 members of the Assembly, all of whom are Republicans, received a score of 0.

In the Senate, similar voting patterns emerged although members of the Senate overall, were more supportive of housing bills than the Assembly.

Of the eight members receiving 100%, seven are Democrats and one is Republican, John Seymour (R-Anaheim). From Southern California, the Democrats were Ruben Ayala, Chino; Gary Hart, Santa Barbara; Robert Presley, Riverside; David Roberti, Hollywood, and Herschel Rosenthal, Los Angeles. Only one member of the Senate received a score of 0: H.L. Richardson (R-Glendora).
